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Fat dissolving injections... Do they work?

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

Fat dissolving injections? Sounds like a magic elixir doesn’t it! An injection that literally dissolves fat away. But, what is the reality and could they work for you?

In the early 1990s, Klein pioneered the first liposuction procedure over in America. The liposuction treatment has been developed over time and can be done in multiple locations on the body. Unfortunately, side affects include infection, scaring and pain.

Many of my clients come to me with a very specific area of concern; some have already lost significant weight but are disheartened by the fat under their chin, the hard-to-shift fat pad at the small of the back or their 'love handles'. Often these areas are impossible to resolve with diet and exercise alone and they need a little help. People often ask me whether or not fat dissolving injections could provide the solution.

Here, I will answer common questions and take a look at the evidence to enable you to make more of an informed decision about this treatment.


Adipocytolytic solutions (fat dissolving injections) are fast becoming very popular. There are three main manufacturers within the UK:

  • INNO aesthetics

  • Aqualyx

  • Kybella from the pharmaceutical giant Allergan (the manufacturers of Botox and Juverderm)

How do fat dissolving injections work?

Adipocytes or fat cells are broken down with the use of sodium deoxycholate solution. This causes a localised inflammatory response from the body. The inflammatory response is vital and allows the destroyed fat cells to be removed and excreted via the kidneys.

Once the fat cells have been destroyed by the solution the effect is permanent.

Are fat dissolving injections safe?

An article published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology in 2017 found that there had been 990,000 vials of Adipocytolytic solution used by the end of 2016 in the UK with not one single patient reporting any serious reaction.

Potential side effects

The side effects of this treatment are minimal and self resolving. As mentioned before, the body's inflammatory process is key to the success of this treatment. So, minor swelling is to be expected. Swelling normally subsides after 48 hours and a ice pack is recommended to help it settle.

Up to 50% of patients experience some level of numbness in the location of the injections; this resolves itself but can last up to 30 days.

Most patients experience a warmth and reddening to the treatment area. This usually passes in 24 hours.

Around 30% of patients report a hardening of the treatment area, lasting up to two months.

Are results immediate?

This treatment does require some patience - most clients notice a visible difference within six weeks with subsequent treatments further improving the overall result.

How many treatments are required?

Most patients require three or four treatments, usually two-four weeks apart.

What happens at your appointment ?

First, we go through a consent form and look at your medical history. If we both decide that fat dissolving injections treatment is right for you we will start by taking some pictures which will remain on your file.

Next we will clean the area to be treated, mark out a grid using a washable pen. An ice pack will be applied to help to numb the area. We use a very fine needle which will be changed during the treatment keep the discomfort at a minimum.

The solution will be injected directly in to the area - no massage or rubbing is required.


True face Aesthetics practitioners take enormous pride our comprehensive aftercare. We are always at the end of a phone, text, email or video calls.

A face-to-face review can always be arranged if you have any concerns.

One fat dissolving injections session costs £85. To book your no-obligation, free consultation with Richard or David Sharp from True face Aesthetics, please get in touch.

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